Summary: Fuuko Izumo, an 18-year-old girl, has lived in seclusion for a decade following a tragic incident that claimed the lives of over 200 people, including her parents. Tormented by her “unluck” ability, which brings misfortune to anyone she touches, Fuuko contemplates suicide after completing her favorite long-running shōjo manga series.
However, fate intervenes when she encounters an extraordinary man—an “undead” with remarkable regenerative abilities. This mysterious man, who despises his immortal existence, yearns for the ultimate death. Fuuko names him Andy due to his undead nature, and together, they embark on an unexpected journey.
As they navigate their world, they face challenges, unravel mysteries, and confront their own curses. The duo’s adventures lead them to the enigmatic Union, a shadowy organization. Shen, an assassin from the Union, reveals that the organization comprises ten individuals with unique abilities. To escape their pursuers, Fuuko and Andy decide to join the Union, hoping to fulfill Andy’s desire for “the best death.” |